Welcome to IntoFreedom
'a safe place to grow '
Esoteric Acupuncture - Advanced Energy Healing Workshops & Therapy
How to Build an Antahkarana: Your Inner Spiritual Antenna - eBook
Light Work Training & Selenite Swords of Light
YOGA 'the spiritual side'
Good Oil Club
Advanced Energy Healing
"Spiritual side of Acupuncture"
(Vols 1 - 8 Esoteric Acupuncture - Dr Mikio Sankey)
Jun 18th - Jul 30th 2025
Live Online - for seven consecutive weeks
see events www.esotericacupuncture.com
Advanced Energy Healing
"Spiritual side of Acupuncture"
ADVANCED Level lll
(Vols 1 - 8 Esoteric Acupuncture - Dr Mikio Sankey)
Prerequisite reading Vol 8 Wind Mansion
6 Aug - 18 Sept 2025
Live Online - for seven consecutive weeks
see events www.esotericacupuncture.com

PDA Provider
Into Freedom
# 9254 1 -14

Esoteric Acupuncture is not merely a different treatment modality where the practitioner learns how to sequence acupuncture points in various geometric patterns.
Esoteric Acupuncture Advanced Energy Healing is a way of life that focuses on staying centred in one’s Higher Spiritual Heart Field.
We are strengthening and refining our Axiatonal Heart Grid System and consciously expanding consciousness.
A magical workshop for Advanced Energy healers of all modalities.
"As your inner spiritual world unfolds through dedicated inner plane work and as you're able to hold increased levels of light for longer periods of time, your Antahkarana will also unfold.
The Antahkarana is an ageless open system." Dr. Mikio Sankey Ph.D., L,Ac. Antahkarana Celestial Fullness Esoteric Acupuncture Vol Vl

Light Work Training
Selenite Swords of Light
VICTORIA East & West
East (Ringwood)
24th, 25th & 26th October 2025
West (Geelong -Surf Coast)
23rd October 2025
Imagine holding a tool that
channels pure, liquid light energy
cuts through energetic blockages with laser precision
Amplifies healing intentions tenfold
Each sword is a masterpiece, uniquely hand-crafted to maximise selenite's natural properties. Creating a shape and structure that have profound energy penetration; therefore, a more focused healing tool than traditional crystals.
This is not just a workshop!
It is an Initiation into a Higher Level of Energy Work
You a Spiritual Being having a human experience.
Light Work Training allows you to discern, know, confirm, and create a relationship with your Spiritual Beingness.
Hands-on practice Chakra & Light Body Activation. Cleanse Subtle Bodies.
Learn how to connect and influence your energetic Self, and Auric Fields.
Experience the power of alignment, clarity, wholeness, gentleness, love, compassion, and energetic healing.
The Light Workers' ultimate tool, along with love, wisdom, and courage, is a Sword of Light...the possibilities are unbounded and limitless.
The time is now
I am Alison Clarke-Daly, founder of IntoFreedom. I started IntoFreedom 20 years ago. I had been in business and worked in the corporate world before that. If you told me then of my work and journey into freedom and healing, I would not have been able to believe you.
Let me assure you, right now that, like you, I am a student, a Light Worker and a pioneer exploring the frontier of expanding awareness consciously. I understand why you may have landed on my site and I am here to share with you the best way that I can.