​"Empowering you to be all that you can be"
​Natural Health for Horses, Dogs & Humans
Susan Marshall Victorian Tour​
About Susan: Susan Marshall has been an animal lover all her life. Her journey with horses started at the age of 14 and since then, she has trained and competed on many breeds across various disciplines. In her first career as a police officer, Susan spent 12 years in the Queensland Mounted Police, both in a full-time and reserve capacity. Following that, she was a riding instructor for over a decade, running her own successful equestrian centre. Nowadays, Susan devotes her life to helping improve the health of people and animals around the world via natural means. She brings with her over 20 years of experience and is considered a leading expert in the field of essential oils for horses, regularly speaking at International events alongside holistic Vets.

"Natural Health for Horses" GLENROWAN- Victoria co-sponsor Nina Lewis of Evolve with Horse Coaching. Are you looking for that key ingredient to take your horse's physical and emotional health to the next level? Two classes: 1st Class Tues 11th 4 PM - 7PM) Introduction & Demonstration to Natural Horse Health 2nd Class on Wed 12th 4PM- 7PM Raindrop Technique Demonstration. Excellent value especially if you... Would you like to achieve greater movement and flexibility in your horse? Are you seeking answers on how to calm your horse when they get nervous? Do you wish to support their system so that they are in peak health and performance? Both classes promise invaluable experiences and impart understandings in how to harness the power of nature – in particular, essential oils, herbal supplements and oil-infused products. Naturally enhancing your equine companion's physical health, emotional balance and wellbeing. You will witness practical demonstrations on safe applications, where and how to apply, and when they should be used. Wednesdays demonstration of the "Equine Raindrop Technique" a modality that takes the physical and emotional health of your horse to the next level. If you're curious about adopting an integrated approach to equine care and forging a deeper bond with your horse, these classes class is not to be missed. Your horse will thank you for it!
Natural Health for Horses - (And other animals) WOORI YALLOCK Co-Sponsor Tania & Tamara Parker of Lightheart Natural Therapies, Woori Yallock. Enjoy an experiential and informative morning as you learn about all-natural horse care. (Note: Horse care can read as all natural animal care) Susan discusses the benefits of returning to nature when looking after your horse. She will demonstate how to do this. Explain what is required, the possibilities, the problems and solutions. Watch a practical demonstration on Tamar's horse. So that you too, can feel comfortable knowing how, why, where and when to use all natural products. Susan is an International speaker. This brings us Worldwide Resoures, and the protcols of the successes over many years of working with Young Living high vibrational oils and products. Bhttps://www.trybooking.com/CWGOL This is an extensive program with endless possibilies. Maybe you get that we are passionate about this tour. We are. There is to much to convey in this space. We encourage you to contact us. So that you get the very best possible. Alison 0422 845 105 or Karen 0458 527 368 Email: alison@intofreedom.com.au

MANSFIELD Program: Caring for ourselves, our families, our animals and our environment. Mind, body and spirit naturally. Sponsored by Good Oil Club. Big program, big topic: We bring discussion and experience of many Wellbeing strategies. Nuturing mind body and spirit. chemical freedom, and so much more. .. There is something for everyone. Enjoy! There is so much to share and experience. To much to write about here. So... if you would like to talk to us. Please call Karen p: 0458527368 Alison p: 0422845105
BORONIA THREE PROGRAMS: 1st Fri 7-8.30PM - HORMONES & WELLBEING Male & Female 2nd Sat 3.30 -5.30PM - EMOTIONAL CLEARING TECHNIQUE Caring for your Dog or Cat Naturally. 3rd ONE-ON-ONE - Consultation for you alone or with your animal. By appt only. If this is for you please book now. Call us to make your appointment. 1st Fri 14 evening HORMONES & WELLBEING (The focus is on us) Our whole being is reflected in our hormones. Mood, vitality, healing, environment, food and relationships. This class is a sharing of what is available/possible. Empowering. Personal experiences and stories. We plan to share an amazing foot balance for you to go home with. 2nd Sat 15 3.30 - 5.30PM EMOTIONAL CLEARING FOR DOGS. Our dogs and cats display such unconditional love for us that it makes sense we want to give them the very best, and that includes their health care. The healthier our furry friends are, the longer they remain by our side. and the less it costs at the vets. Join in this fun and interactive class where you will learn wonderful tips for health care. . During this class, you will learn what essential oils are, how to work with them for your dog or cat (including safety ), and when to use them. Susan has many suggestions on the various challenges that our beloved fur friends face, such as: *Separation Anxiety *Storm Season *Pesky Pests during the Summer Months *Joints and Ligaments *Rehabilitating the Abused/Traumatised Dog *And much more! For more details, please contact Alison 0422 845 105 or Karen 0458 527 368 Email alison@intofreedom.com.au Booking details https://www.trybooking.com/CWSEN
Natural Health
Susan Marshall's
Victorian Tour
Glen Rowan - Mansfield -Woori Yallock- Boronia
The mission is to share personal, practical, delightful, inspiring experiences and practices of Natural Health. Not only for animals but for HUMANS TOO. So that you get the very best value and return on investment from your intuitive love of looking after our planet and ourselves naturally.
Last year we invited Susan to share with us her love and wisdom of natural health. Focusing on animals, cats, dogs and horses. It is a joy to confirm that she will return with a greater program.
Why Susan? Well, we love Susan's skills, experience, passion, and compassionate sharing. (no hype)
Check the options.
Personal Consultations, iTovi report, Up-Close Equine, Canine and small animal demonstrations. Raindrop Technique demonstrations.
Personal and experiential discussions and questions on aspects of natural health are welcome.
Human Natural Health: How to maintain a non-chemical environment. Focus on Hormonal Health. Natural Well-being, Emotional Health, and Mind, Body Spirit balance. And more... so much more...
​Bring a pen and paper.
All classes have handouts.
All have experiences.
Some have tea and coffee, snacks even.
Check out the details if you can't find what you want. Call us.
11th Feb Tues 4 PM - 9 PM Introduction - Focus is on Horses.
12th Feb Wed 4 PM - 9 PM RAINDROP TECHNIQUE Demo - on Nina's very lucky pony.
One-on-one consultation by appt
13th Feb Thurs 1.30 PM - 4 PM Natural Health & Chemical Free Living
14th Feb Fri AM&PM One-on-One Personal Consultations
with Susan. By appt only. Call now to book and Discuss what is possible.
BORONIA - Alison Clarke-Daly - INTOFREEDOM - Good Oil Club
14th Feb Fri 7 - 9 PM Hormonal Wellbeing - experiential
BORONIA - Alison Clarke-Daly INTOFREEDOM Good Oil Club
15th Feb Sat 9.30 AM Natural Health for Horses & Dogs -Demo
WOORI YALLOCK - Tania Parker - Light Heart Natural Therapies
15th Feb Sat 3.30 - 5.30 PM Emotional Clearing for Dogs - Demo
BORONIA - Alison Clarke-Daly - INTOFREEDOM - Good Oil Club
"Inspiring Choice & Selfcare"